Quality management of urban environment using the system dynamics method

The model "Analysis of environmental load"

Sadovnikova, N. P. Quality management of urban environment using the system dynamics method [Electronic resource] / N. P. Sadovnikova, D. S. Parygin, E. V. Manunina // Modern scientific research and their practical application. – 2013. – Is. 4 (J113). – Vol. J11307. – P. 176–182. – Mode of access : http://sworld.com.ua/e-journal/j11307.pdf


Natalia Sadovnikova
Danila Parygin
Ekaterina Manunina


The formulation of strategies based on studying laws of urban development. Strategies allow purposely change life priorities and create new ways of organizing urban space. It provides effective interaction and balanced development of all spheres of life and city.

The only possible tool for studying these laws is modeling. Modeling does not guarantee complete protection against possible errors in decision making. But modeling allows identify the various problems and analyze the consequences decision-making.

To solve the problem of quality management of urban environment is necessary to identify the optimal set of control actions, which provide the required state parameters. In this case model experiments allow to estimate efficiency decision-making and trace dynamics of situations when implementing the different scenarios.

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